Monday, 19 September 2011

Breaking News........The Leafs Still Suck!

Lovin My Seguin Jersey - Thank You Burkie!
I was doing some of my daily hockey reading this morning online and came across the following article Why The Leafs Will Make The Playoffs (Yeah Right!)

The timing of this article could not be better as I had already decided prior to reading this that I would dedicate my next post to those loveable losers in Toronto but after reading this it only made me wan't to talk about them even more.

The ONLY thing in this article I agree with is when they call them "Toronto's Bumbling Buds"...after that...everything is pure hope and dreaming almost as if it was written by a typical Leaf fan (probably was).

The points this article makes are extremely weak and if they are the basis of  hope for "Leaf Nation" well then its going to be another early Spring tee off time for Burkies Boys.

The primary reason this article and I think many Leaf fans have for hope is second year goalie James Reimer.

Now to get this out there as much as it pains me to say...I actually like the kid.
I think he has a promising future and I hope for his sake at some point
in his career he gets with a real organization and has a chance to live up
to his full potential.

All that being pin your hopes of a playoff spot on Reimer I think
is foolish.  Leaf fans are blinded by the numbers this kid put up last season
but they're not taking into account the situation in which he did so.  By the time
"Optimus Reims" took over the # 1 job the Leafs in typical fashion were all
but eliminated from playoff contention with half a season to play.  Reims goes
in with no pressure plays well and is hailed as the saviour.

Again I like the kid but I wonder if he will stil have his "ah shucks" attitude
when there is a bit of adversity and every paper in Loser Land wants him to be traded.

Another name mentioned in the article is JM Liles.  Yes I now can hear
all the losers in Leaf land saying "oh he is a top point producing dman" yes
ok he puts up good offensive numbers...however for my money when I am judging
defencemen I like to look at the stat column to the right of PTS. Yes Leaf Nation
your star "defenceman" was a -9 last season and is a -16 for his career.

So lets get this straight...another reason your going to make the playoffs is
because you acquired a defenceman who was -9 last season?  Leaf Logic.

And finally another MAJOR reason the Leafs will be better is because they
have found that centre they were looking for to go with our old buddy Phil.  Yes poor Phil finally has the playmaking centre that will send the Leafs to the promise land.


Put the kleenex and hand lotion away Leaf fans and go do a lil homework on this guy.
High on skill yet higher in medical bills Mr. Connoly has not played in at
least 80 games in a single season since...2002-2003.  But yes  you say he is
all clear now and health wont be an issue so let's focus on his incredible skill.
Umm ok...I wonder how many "number 1" centres throughout the NHL have NEVER
had one single season averaging at least a point per game?  Feel free to look
it up...the numbers dont lie...this "elite" centre's career high in points
for a season is a whopping 65 points.

In typical Leaf fashion Connoly may eclipse his defensively challenged Captain (Don't worry
Dion I could never forget about you when bashing the Laughs) as the new most overrated player in the NHL.  Welcome to Toronto Tim.

Back to Phil for a second.  Was he not supposed to be the Leaf's saviour three
years ago?  I've never heard so many excuses for any of the other top level
players in the NHL as to why they haven't lived up to their potential yet.  If
you're supposed to be worth the price the Leafs paid to get this guy..should you
not make others around you better?? Not the other way around?  Hell Wilson
doesn't even trust their "best" player to be on the ice late in a game with a lead.

All I ask is that no matter how bad this team stinks once again and no matter
how early they are out of playoff contention is that the Maple Leafs "board"
does NOT fire Burkie.  I hope Burkie has a job for life with the Leafs and continues
to provide me with all the entertainment in the garbage that comes out of his
mouth on a daily basis.  Also I mean really who else will save the state of the
game today with such innovative ideas as his "bear hug" rule that he want's to

And do we even need to mention Tyler Seguin, Jared Knight and Dougie Hamilton for
Phil Kessel?? Or the fact that the Kessel deal freed up a 1st round pick that
enabled us to trade for Horty?

Well good luck Leaf're gonna need it!

- Ashley

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